When does it make sense to appeal your conviction?
When someone is convicted of a crime they have a great deal of emotions. They are angry. They are scared. They feel that the system may not have treated them fairly. In our system, there is a mechanism for over turning a conviction and/or sentence. An appeal is filed within thirty days of the sentencing …
People will frequently ask whether or not they should hire an attorney for the direct appeal. This is a difficult question for most families. They have spent considerable money on the trial attorney and the case has not gone their way. They also may not trust the system or lawyers, or both. They may be …
There is no magic answer to this question. The internet, television, and even lawyers themselves will talk about how they will fight for you. So it is difficult to tell which lawyer will fight for you. Ask the lawyer three questions: Ask if the lawyer has ever defended an unpopular client. Ask the lawyer if …